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...there is no one! Ich schreibe hier nur für mIch - der ich alle maine Leser Bin - �Lebensfreude ist; LIEBEN WAS IST � hier und jetzt - agapenamaste - gelebte Lebensphilosophie die all ES beschreibt was IST – Liebe in Aktion - �DISCLOSURE IS AN INSIDE JOB� agapenamaste.ch ✡Du spielst das Spiel: "AL_AIN_ER" aus der SpiEGEL Mitte JCHUP86 liebe Dich +/-✡ "AGAPE: BeDINGungsLOSe Liebe - NAMASTE: Meine Göttlichkeit erkennt deine Göttlichkeit." ☆"No human object ever had the power to do anything against God`s will."☆ WHO THE FUCK IS ALICE? I see you, and I love you- if you know you know #Q17 the Key to find your self We are ONE Love, ONE Heart, ONE Family. ♡HOLOFEELING♡ Namaste♡

Dienstag, 16. März 2021

ReQuEST for Trump-card 2Q2Q


Request for Trump card 

Dear Mister President Donald J. Trump of United States of America.

As unconditioned consciousness; are living in a God given human female body; 

called Agape Namaste.

I know who I AM.

I ask for the Trump card 2Q2Q Quantumfinance based on Nesara/ Gesara, silver/gold based standard;

In order to be able to travel freely;

 my first destination will be FLORIDA,

Miami-Beach to reach KEY-WEST 😎

to honor new White House in Florida;

debt-free and tax-free as a sovereign being without masks, vaccinations or compulsory controls, in the following named AgapeNamaste, wishes to have this issued by April 1, 2021.

On behalf of my inner divine guidance, knowing that I am

"KE nned Y" (in German: "i kenne dy"). Sow and teach agape love.

In the name of agape love and knowing # WWG1WGA,

I look forward to heartfelt recognition and fulfilling cooperation.

make planet earth great again.

With kind regards

from swiss alps

Agape Namaste


my message is foundet on http://www.agapenamaste.ch

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